Snoring occurs because the uvula and the palatal veil (the tissue at the back of the throat) relax and vibrate during sleep. In some cases, these flexible throat muscles fall around the tongue, blocking the breathing tube between 10 and 60 seconds, and creating a situation called “sleep apnea.” Being overweight is a common cause, as there is an increase in the tissues of the neck and throat as well as a large abdomen pressed against the diaphragm and lungs, thus reducing the amount of air we breathe. Numerous studies indicate that weight loss, between 10 and 25 percent, can prevent snoring or reduce its frequency.
Sleeping relaxation and forget about insomnia
Sleep is more important to lose weight than food. There are different phases of sleep, but only when you sleep deeply do the changes help you lose weight. Many women have trouble sleeping soundly due to insomnia, serotonin and because their partner usually snores.
When the dream is not reparative, we accuse it later throughout the day. The working day becomes very hard. Over time, if this episode repeated, stress also appears along with probably other illnesses. This accumulated tiredness about tiredness.
Rest is our repair shop. If the maintenance that we do to our body is deficient, with an ineffective rest, in the long run, it will bring consequences, sooner or later. We are likely to see symptoms such as chronic fatigue, fatigue, exhaustion, insomnia, poor performance, low concentration, irritability, depression, etc.
Carry out these five exercises to stop snoring
Night arrives, and torture begins for thousands of people who with those snoring from others do not let sleep. It is also a problem for those who snore, as they accompanied by a high risk of having a stroke or a heart attack. So if you’re the one that raised your hand because you belong to the snorer’s team. The reason is that when sleeping the muscles of the neck and throat relax, causing the airways to narrow and, therefore, have less space for air to circulate. The air vibrates the soft tissue remaining in the reduced space. Therefore, one way to avoid snoring is to do some exercises that help strengthen your throat muscles.
- This activity involves pressing the palate with the tip of the tongue and then pushing it back.
- To carry out this activity, you must yawn. So he simulates a big yawn a couple of times.
- In this exercise press the back of the tongue against the floor of the mouth and then push the tip of the tongue against the teeth.
- Open your mouth as much as you can without hurting the corners and push up the veil of the palate while vocalizing the letter “A.”
- Use your fingers to push your cheeks out. Now chew a fibrous food like celery. Remember to eat all over your mouth.
- Take the time to do this simple routine. At the same time, you follow these tips to sleep without so much noise.
- If you thought that drinking a little alcohol at night helps you fall asleep and avoid snoring, you’re wrong. Drinking alcohol causes the muscles in the veil of the palate and throat to relax and cause the problem.
- The position in the sleep can also influence the snoring. If you lie on your back on the bed, it is more likely that the tongue, chin, and surrounding skin remain relaxed and clog the airways. The convenient thing is to sleep on your side.
- If the noise comes from the nose, a good option is to resort to a nasal bandage. These strips help to reduce snoring as they keep the nostrils separate.
- Excess weight can cause snoring, and this is due to the large amount of fatty tissue that is near the neck, which tightens the airways, preventing the circulation of air properly.
- There are many exercises to stop snoring with positive results. If with the usual practice of these actions you notice improvements, go ahead. However, if you have a chronic snoring, it is best to go to the doctor for a correct diagnosis.
Some patients with snoring cannot sleep deeply because they have sleep apnea; i.e., shortness of breath. People with high insulin get fat mainly in the abdomen and neck. This fat compresses the pharynx causing snoring.
It is advisable to follow a healthy lifestyle like Ni A Diet Plus to improve the action of insulin and thus decrease neck fat.