For a good sleep do not need to go to a second room. When you know how to handle the snoring of your partners, you will realize that going to a second room is unnecessary. To make sure you stop snoring, you need to know what type of snorer they are.
There are four types of breathing sounds to hear about in a possible snore. They correlate as correspondence of snoring. They consist of a single syllable of low friction (type 1), double sounds with lower and central frequencies (type – 2), double sounds with cyclone and high frequency (type 3), and triple sounds with the three types of frequencies (type 4).
To diagnose your condition, your doctor will check your signs and symptoms, and your medical history. The doctor performs a physical examination.
The doctor may ask your partner some questions about when and how you snore to help assess the severity of the problem. If your child snores, you will asked about how serious your child is snoring.
Study of the dream
Depending on the severity of snoring and other symptoms, your doctor may perform a sleep study. Often, sleep studies can be done at home. However, depending on medical problems and other sleep symptoms, you may need to go to a sleep center for a deep analysis of your sleep habits by a team of specialists called polysomnography.
Find the right anti-snore device for you
For the treatment of your problem, your doctor will probably recommend lifestyle changes first, such as losing weight, avoiding alcohol near bedtime, and changing sleeping positions. If lifestyle changes do not eliminate snoring, your doctor may suggest:
Intraoral devices. Oral appliances are made-to-measure splints that help improve the situation of the tongue and soft palate to keep the air passage open.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). This involves wearing a pressure mask over your nose while you sleep. The mask is attached to a small pump that forces air through the airways, which keeps it open. CPAP (SEE-pap) suppresses snoring and treats sleep apnea.
Palatal implants. In this procedure, known as the abutment procedure, doctors inject twisted strands of polyester filaments into their soft palate, which becomes rigid and reduces snoring.
Traditional surgery. In a procedure called uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPFP), the surgeon tightens and trimmed excess tissue in the throat – a type of cosmetic surgery for your throat.
Laser surgery. In laser-assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, it is a surgery to stop snoring; the doctor uses a small laser that shortens the soft palate and removes the uvula.
Ablation of tissues by radiofrequency (somnoplasty). In this outpatient procedure, you will need given local anesthesia. Doctors use a low-intensity radiofrequency signal to reduce soft palate tissue to help reduce snoring.
Snoring can affect sleep quality and affect the health of the person during waking times. This prevents you from staying awake and concentrating during the mornings. The most common symptoms are headache, sore throat, bad breath, lack of concentration, energy, and memory, drowsiness during the day, moodiness, changes of character, extreme tiredness. These symptoms are recognized by the couple, who is also the person who suffers from the sounds of snoring and also interrupts sleep. This affects the relationships and coexistence of people until the problem is solved.
The person who snores may have slept but has not rested. This lack of sleep is manifested by irritability, drowsiness, diminishing performance and depriving them of essential functions such as restoring energy, reconstituting the body or recovering from memory. Also, you do not have the motivation to start a sexual encounter or fall asleep before you start it.
Snoring can become a real social rejection because people who suffer from it are discriminated against, and this can lead to, in many cases, a symptom of inferiority directly affecting their self-esteem. This problem becomes a break to find a sentimental relationship or to deteriorate the existing one; then this affects their self-assessment.
Quit smoking for many reasons
The cigarette causes the irritation and inflammation of the airways, and these are the ones that we must take care if we want to avoid the snoring. Also, bad smoking can be damaging to overall health.
Practice exercises
Activities, especially in the neck area, can help strengthen your throat muscles, so you can avoid snoring because you will get better breathing and also help your body stay with more oxygen.