Believe it or not, one of the causes of impotence in man is snoring. Many men snore, but some can do very strongly and even have periods when they stop breathing for a short time. Is known as apnea, and although some medications seek to help improve impotence fail to solve the problem of snoring.
New research shows that snoring and especially sleep apnea could result in decreased libido and erectile dysfunction, according to researchers at the Technological Institute in Haifa, Israel. Their study found that nearly half of men who had Sleep Apnea also secreted abnormally low levels of TESTOSTERONE overnight. 42 to 64 percent of men who snore and have obstructive sleep apnea are powerless.
Possible Consequences of Snoring
Poor sleep can cause daytime tiredness and stress that is detrimental to physical and mental health. Unfortunately, the symptoms are not always easy to notice and in many cases are misunderstood. The consequences of untreated sleep apnea include changes in heart rate, hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart attacks, heart failure and stroke.
Patients with sleep apnea also have an increased risk of accidents while driving or at work because they are sometimes tired and can fall asleep quickly.
But … Why Is Snoring One Of The Causes Of Impotence In Men?
Although some time ago some experts wondered if apnea had any effect on testosterone levels and thus contributed to erectile impotence, it is shown that this was not the case. What they did find was that during chronic snoring in which apnea episodes occurred the levels of nitric oxide in the blood decreased.
Nitric oxide is needed to help blood flow so you can achieve a good erection.
One of the consequences of sleep apnea is the lack of sexual desire, which linked in men to erectile dysfunction.
Sleep disturbance causes necessary metabolic changes that affect hormonal systems, including sex hormones, as well as neurotransmitters such as nitric oxide and dopamine. The hormonal alterations in men, in the sexual aspect, have been more analyzed throughout the history, since these depend fundamentally on the levels of testosterone. Sleep apnea will affect plasma levels of testosterone, leading to a reduction in sperm production. Erectile dysfunction will be guaranteed because if apnea damages our REM cycles, men will lose the popularly known morning erection, which is necessary for the health and oxygenation of our genitals.
How to Deal With Apnea?
Create a sleep routine and maintain it. Many people have complicated schedules and do not sleep at a decent hour or perhaps do not get enough rest.
Your brain and your body need a certain amount of sleep to rest and restore. By developing a nightly routine and going to bed at the same time each night, you will be mentally preparing for a good night’s rest.
Uses salty water gargles and a nasal rinse. This will help you shrink the nasal passages and your breathing duct allowing more air to pass when you breathe while sleeping.
Lift your head using an extra pillow. What one of the reasons apnea occurs is that the throat muscles relax too much and block the airway causing snoring. Using an additional cushion will make it easier for your breathing tube to be open enough.
Epimedium is a natural libido lifter that boosts nitric oxide and can help you get stronger and longer lasting erections. Some studies have shown that it works just like a prescribed medication but without the dangerous side effects.
Another benefit of epimedium is that it increases testosterone levels, reduces stress and increases energy and stamina during sex.
L-arginine is a non-essential ammonia, but it plays a critical role in the production of nitric oxide. As you get older your levels of nitric oxide decrease, sometimes so much that impotence generated.
If you snore while you sleep and you notice that you have been having problems with impotence.
Try to apply some or all the tips recommended above to fight, these causes of helplessness in the man of natural form and without needing to go to the doctor, nor to use dangerous drugs that attempt against your health I assure you that within a short time you will feel more rested and with enough energy for an active and satisfying sex life.
Some hygienic-dietary tips to avoid snoring:
- Decrease excess weight
- Dinner should be light
- Do not go to bed just after dinner
- They should wait about 3 hours before bedtime
- Breakfast should be more critical and varied
- Do not lie on your back, snore more in that position and less side
- Raise the pillow about 10 cm
- Avoid alcoholic intake at night
- Doing aerobic physical activity
- Do not take sedatives as they relax the laryngeal and extralaryngeal muscles, producing more snoring
- No Smoking
There are specific diagnostic studies (polysomnography, oximetry, imaging studies, fibrolaryngoscopy, otorhinolaryngological examination, psychological or psychiatric examination). To rule out sleep apnea and psychopathological problems in an individual who snores, as well as various therapeutic resources (surgical, radiofrequency, devices for oral use) but must be indicated by a professional who understands the subject. There are no adequate medications for snoring.