Anyone who snores loud enough to wake himself or the person trouble sleeping with him should visit a specialist to rule out suffering from sleep pathologies such as sleep apnea.
Snoring can have fatal consequences that increase the risk over time because we spend almost a third of our lives sleeping.
Despite the risks, many people who snore do not require treatment because snoring often poses no threat to their health. On the other hand, obstructive sleep apnea needs therapy as it can carry all the health problems mentioned above.
Also, cases of snoring that do not require attention concerning health but are bothersome to the romantic couple can also be treated to improve the quality of sleep of both partners.
One of the factors that, among others, can determine a good or lousy rest is the posture that we adapt to sleep. There are numerous studies and publications on correct and incorrect positions, but the truth is that, depending on the problem you want to address, the proper posture may be different.
The posture in which we sleep, as well as influencing possible back or muscle pain, also affects our breathing. Thus, some attitudes encourage snoring more than others, since they make it difficult to breathe correctly and smoothly.
Here are the pros and cons of the most common nighttime postures. What is the best sleeping position?
Sleep on your back
Sleeping like a log, that is, face up and with arms extended throughout the body, is a posture that prevents back problems, since the spine rests relaxed without making any effort. However, it is the position that most increases were snoring, as the muscles of the throat relax and block the airways.
Sleep on your side
No doubt, this is the best posture not to snore. The head and neck should be aligned, leaving the throat clear for proper breathing. But beware of resting on the limbs, in the morning you can be a victim of the annoying cramps.
Also known as a fetal position, it is also advisable to avoid back problems.
Sleeping on your stomach
It said of her that it is the worst sleeping postures. It is one of the leading causes of back pain, since it suffers from being in a forced sleeping position, although it diminishes the snoring.
And we ended up with the result of a curious study, conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, that people who lay on the right side of their body instead of the left showed much better satisfaction and suffered far fewer nightmares.
Also, it must consider that there is a direct relationship between weight and snoring. The further away a person is from their ideal weight, the more likely they are to snore
Another possible cause of snoring is sleep apnea. When snoring accompanied by this picture, it means that apart from the fact that the patient snores at night, he has episodes where he stops breathing, and therefore lowers oxygen to the brain and that person begins to sleep with a slumber that does not is repairing and usually causes daytime drowsiness, decay, fatigue, fatigue, loss of libido and depression.