Sleep apnea is a condition that should be given remedy right away. However since most of the time individuals with sleep apnea are not aware that the condition is already affecting them, they need to be aware of the tell-tale signs pertaining to the sleeping disorder.
Listed below are the most common symptoms of sleep apnea symptoms classified into different categories:
Symptoms noticed by other people:
- Absence of breathing or apnea during sleep – These patterns may occur several times per hour and can determine the severity of your condition. In mild apnea, it occurs at least 5 times an hour but in case of a severe apnea, absence of breathing occurs more than 50 times an hour.
- Loud snoring- This is a common symptom that is noticed in almost all people who have sleep apnea. However, it should also be noted that not all people who snore have sleep apnea.
- Restlessness – A person with sleep apnea tosses and turns because of disturbed sleep.
- Choking – Nighttime choking or gasping spell is the brain’s response to absence of breathing and is very noticeable among people who experience absence of breathing while asleep.
Symptoms experienced by people with sleep apnea:
- Sore or dry throat upon waking up
- Excessive feeling of sleepiness during the day
- Waking up with feelings of tiredness
- Problems with memory and concentration/forgetfulness
- Experience of personality or mood changes
- Headaches that occur in the morning or at night
- Heartburn or a sour taste in the mouth felt at night
- Swelling on the legs
- Waking up at night to urinate
- Sweating during sleep
- Experience of chest pain while sleeping
- Decreased interest in sex
Sleep Apnea in Children
Adults are not the only ones who may experience sleep apnea episodes because children may also have this condition. Snoring is still a common sign of sleep apnea in children but this doesn’t make them less active during the day. To help you identify sleep apnea in children, here are some of the symptoms that you must know:
Symptoms (Kids 5 years old and younger)
- Breathing through the mouth
- Sweating
- Restlessness
- Disturbed sleep
Symptoms (Kids 5 years and older)
- Bed wetting
- Poor performance in school
- Slow or stunted growth as compared with other children their age
Aside from the above mentioned symptoms, children with sleep apnea may also experience problems with their behavior and short attention span. Sleep apnea can also lead to developmental delays as well as heart failure on the right side.