Snoring and diabetes may be connected. There is a good number of current medical researchers investigating the connection between good sleep and health, and among bad dream and a host of medical conditions. Good sleep habits that are consistent are essential for good health. Lack of sleep not only produces poor mental function and lack of concentration, but can also cause high blood tension, heart attack, stroke, and metabolic dysfunction that can cause insulin endurance and weight gain. Insulin resistance and weight addition are both factors that can guide to diabetes.
Diabetes and Snoring
In case you have diabetes, and you snore, this may not be an eventuality. Many people who snore endure obstructive sleep apnea or OSA. The overwhelming preponderance of OSA sufferers has no idea they have it. Patients who have OSA are nine times more likely to be diabetic than those who do not.
Complicating the problem of OSA, our kidneys are fundamental regulating our blood sugar. When our blood sugar is high, our kidneys decrease our blood sugar, and we rid ourselves of it by urinating. In case a diabetic has high blood sugar at night, the possibilities are he get up repeatedly to urinate. It can also add to a miserable night’s sleep. As well, many urination is often a symptom of undiagnosed diabetes.
In 2014, a University of Toronto investigation found that “increased oxygen desaturation, shorter sleep time and higher heart rate correlated with diabetes are consistent with the pathophysiological devices thought to underlie the relationship between OSA and diabetes.”
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
OSA (which often is the cause of snoring) is a sleep dysfunction where the sufferer stops breathing for some seconds up to a minute, due to a momentary collapse of the airway. Blood oxygen levels fall, and the patient wakes up abruptly, usually with a loud snore. This pattern can replicate itself every few minutes all night long. Up to 90% of OSA patients have no idea that their sleep is so very exposed.
When feeling OSA, blood oxygen levels decrease which makes stress on the body. As a response to this pressure, the body releases a stress hormone, cortisol, which increases insulin resistance (and can also end in weight gain).
The “dawn phenomenon.”
While snoring can do wonders for your relationship with your sleep partner, its implications can be far more severe and far-reaching. Snoring is often a sign of poor sleep which can lead to inflammation, heart disease, obesity, and poor thought which can be deadly when operating heavy machinery or a motor vehicle. Not only may the OSA patient have the problem thinking and low energy levels, but there may also be an accompanying increase in hormone and glucose levels. It is recognized as the “dawn phenomenon” where blood sugar levels rise while energy levels drop.
Insulin resistance is a forerunner to diabetes. Insulin’s role is to help our bodies convert glucose into energy. With insulin immunity, our cells do not use the hormone efficiently ending in high blood sugar. Diabetes is a disease where the body does not provide sufficient insulin, or the cells do not use the insulin correctly. That makes high blood sugar levels which can result in damage to the eyes, organs, nerves, and heart.
Weight Gain and Diabetes
The medical investigation has linked poor sleep to weight gain and obesity. Not only does poor sleep affect our hormone levels (including those that dominate appetite), but fatigued people usually eat more “empty calories,” looking for the energy they have been deprived of due to reduced sleep. OSA has been shown to cause the mass gain, and weight addition has not only been confirmed to boost the risk of diabetes, but it may also contribute to OSA. Weight gain may add to fatty deposits forming near the upper airways and causing them to collapse through sleep.
¿What can be done about it?
If you suspect you may be experiencing sleep apnea and diabetes, see your doctor quickly. A timely check of your OSA can help prevent diabetes or manage it. The most usual treatment for OSA is a constant positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. The user wears a mask that prevents the airway from collapsing and ensures steady breathing all night long. Snoring and gasping for air usually stops. That encourages good sleep, and a good night’s sleep reduces blood glucose levels. A weight loss program may also be designated.
For people with diabetes, sleep can be as vital as diet in regulating blood sugar. Poor sleep leads to feeling fatigued, which can lead to higher blood sugar levels, which leads to insulin endurance, and so on.
Most of us need from seven to eight hours of sleep every night. The possibilities are if you wake up before your alarm clock goes off, you are getting enough sleep.
Watch a video about the Link Between Diabetes and Snoring