Sleep apnea, which affects at least four percent of the population, increases the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular events, experts warned. Sleep apnea is characterized by interruption of breathing while sleeping.
Sleep apnea, which affects at least four percent of the population, increases the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular events, experts warned.
Sleep apnea is characterized by interruption of breathing while sleeping.
The Cetrángolo provincial hospital in the town of Vicente López incorporated a new device that allows patients to diagnosed while they sleep.
It estimated that more than 500 thousand people suffer sleep apnea only in the province of Buenos Aires.
This problem can lead to hypertensive symptoms, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.
To achieve an accurate diagnosis of this pathology, the most frequent during sleep, in the clinic incorporated a polysomnograph, a state-of-the-art device that allows different physiological parameters to be studied while the patient sleeps in a hospital office specially equipped as a bedroom.
It believed that apneas are underdiagnosed, that is, many of those affected do not know that they suffer, therefore, adding this technology to a public hospital will allow accurate detection of the problem to face treatments that offer a better quality of life to the patients.
Although the Cetrángolo already carried out studies with respiratory polygraphy equipment, the new device provides a better service and positions the hospital as a referral center for adults with respiratory sleep disorders.
It estimated that people sleep 30 percent of our lives and specialists warn that if all that time of sleep performed in pathological conditions, it is impossible to achieve satisfactory wakefulness.
Apneas alter not only the quality of sleep but also the quality of wakefulness, because who suffers it will suffer during the day fatigue, headaches and an increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, heart attacks, and strokes.
Also, when sleeping poorly, the alert capacity decreases during the day, which places those affected at higher risk of accidents.
When the patient has obstructive apneas there comes a moment that, while he is sleeping, he can not breathe, snores, runs out of the air and he pauses, which in adults, can extend for ten seconds. This pathology causes an awakening by hypoxia, which is the decrease of oxygen in the blood.
The patient tries to get air through the nose or mouth, the muscles of the abdomen and thorax force to achieve it and, in that sequence, ends up waking up.
In turn, when the person stops breathing there is a sudden release of adrenaline.
It is like a warning signal, the person wakes up, and this brings with it a fragmented and unsatisfactory sleep but, also, an increase of the arterial pressure during the dream that, with the passage of time, can extend to the day and derive in hypertension.
The experts observed that those who suffer from sleep apnea are more likely to gain weight and, in turn, more difficult to lose weight. On the other hand, a person who has more than five sleep apnea per hour increases the risk of death from cardio or cerebrovascular events.
* Sleep at least seven hours a day.
* Acquire a schedule to go to sleep.
* Sleep in a comfortable and dark environment.
* Avoid alcohol intake, hearty meals, and tobacco before bedtime.
* Maintain a weight appropriate to the size.
* Lie down on your side preferably.