Complete Guide to Snoring and Snoring Remedies
- 30% of people age 30 above snore
- 40% of people age 40 above snore
- 19% of women snore
- 59% of people say their partner snores
- 5.6% of children snore
- 28% of people snore w/ OSA (obstructive sleep apnea)
- 85% of snorers are not aware they snore
- 50 decibels is the average level of snoring
If you are sleeping with a snorer, I bet you know exactly what 50 decibels sounds like.
It’s like you’re sleeping with a car honking right in your ear…and it’s not good.
Snoring is something that people around the world do unconsciously (and deny adamantly, too!).
It is also something we often regard as ‘normal’ and ‘funny.’ At least it used to be, especially back in the early 1900s. Thanks to science and evolution, snoring solution has officially become a medical condition.
Thanks to researchers and love gurus, we also know that snoring is a valid ground for divorce.
Thanks to this eBook, you are about to discover the facts and myths surrounding this sleeping curse that you and your partner are living with.
Why is it a curse?
Snoring poses huge problems in almost all aspects of life marriage, work, school, family, extra-curricular activities…
And what problems? Oh well, nothing much.
- You have a high risk of stroke and heart attack
- You could be suffering from high blood pressure/hypertension
- You could be experiencing oxygen deprivation
- You could fall into a coma
- You can develop Type 2 diabetes
- You can be very lethargic and unproductive during the day
In addition, your marriage would be in big trouble because your partner might not be able to stand the noise you make at night. There’s a great chance she might divorce you or at least choose to sleep in the other room. That’s a bummer.
And what about your career? It may hang in the balance if you don’t get plenty of quality sleep to prep you up for the next day’s grind. At work, you need to be focused and mentally fit. Sleep deprivation can take these gems away from you.
No wife. No job. The possibilities are endless!
Stumbling across this blog means you are taking what your partner is saying very seriously. This is bravery. Kudos to you!
Read on to find out more about the things that matter. The facts that have been snoring beside you all along. The evidence hides in plain sight.
Open your eyes and listen to these interesting facts.
What happens when you snore?
What is that vibrating sound you make when you sleep? That’s your throat and your tongue doing Yoga and Pilates at the same time.
- The throat muscles relax
- These two narrows the gap between them
- They create a vibrating sound
Louder snoring means narrower air passage. Sometimes, the airway becomes too narrow until it is completely obstructed that no air can pass through. Then, you stop breathing for 10 seconds or more!
Oh, great! Now you have sleep apnea!
The Warning Signs and Symptoms
Snoring is a condition for both genders and for all ages. Ninety million Americans snore, 37 million of which are ‘habitual’. But, most snorers are overweight men.
Ask your partner whether you snore or not. If you snore loudly, there is a good chance your partner has already mentioned this to you many times. In case you sleep alone, these warning signs can help you figure things out on your own:
Do you feel tired and too sleepy during daytime?
Do you feel irritable?
Are you having difficulty focusing at work or at home?
Do you often suffer from a sore throat?
Are restless when you sleep?
If any of these issues plague you, then you should certainly mention these to your doctor immediately. Find out if your snoring is something you can laugh about or need to treat immediately.
The Causes
If you don’t even know you snore, then you probably don’t know why you snore.
Several things cause snoring:
- Poor anatomy of your mouth (no kidding, you could have thick and soft palate, your jaws are narrow, or your uvula is too long)
- You drink before you sleep – alcohol relaxes the throat muscles
- Smoking. 24% of smokers, 20% of ex-smokers, and 20% of second-hand smokers are also loud snorers. Researchers assume that the nicotine withdrawal taking place during sleep causes upper airway obstruction. Studies also suggest that cigarette smoke irritates the throat and the nasal cavity. This causes inflammation and nasal congestion.
Obesity. Studies say that the neck circumference of obese people is a major contributing factor to snoring and even sleep apnea. That is because their throat muscles and tonsils are thicker due to excess fat which put pressure on the airways.
- Sleep apnea . Snoring is a sign of sleep apnea. But, not all who suffer from OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) snore, and not all who snore have sleep apnea. This is the reason why you have to get yourself tested…NOW.
- Often, snoring happens just because you are sleeping on your back.
- Nasal polyps, especially large ones, block the airway.
- Deformed nasal septum (the division between the nostrils) can also block the airway
You see, the causes of snoring vary and it is impossible to know without discussing it with a medical professional. What would Dr. Phil say? “Acceptance, brother, will bring you and your partner a peaceful sleep at night and more positive outlook in life… Just get treatment and don’t wait.”
Not really. Don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions.
Snoring is a strong indication of sleep apnea. But, as mentioned before, not all people who snore have sleep apnea, and not all people who have sleep apnea snore.
Sleep apnea is the cessation of breathing during sleep. It happens because your throat muscles and tongue block your airways completely.
So your breathing slows, then stops, and you wake up gasping. People with sleep apnea or OSA experience this more than three times during one sleep cycle. They stop breathing for 10-40 seconds.
Here are a few more facts and myths you can snack on during your waking hours:
- Snoring is likely when you sleep on your back. Gravity pulls your throat and tongue down
Get yourself an anti-gravity pillow or invent one?
- In the last century, researchers and scientists have conducted over 100 studies on sleep apnea, snoring, and sleep deprivation
70% of snoring cases are hereditary. Go blame your parents!
- People who snore are five times more likely to develop hypertension and cardiovascular diseases
Snoring is normal. Everybody does it! Nope, as discussed, it’s a health condition you shouldn’t disregard. Just get tested for your peace of mind.
There’s no cure for snoring. Researchers didn’t spend their time studying sleep and things going on around it so they can come up with more snoring jokes. They did those studies to find out why it happens and what can stop it from happening. Based on their findings, they have developed several sleep devices. They were also able to formulate medications to help stop snoring.
Sleepiness during daytime means I did not get enough sleep. Yes, not getting enough sleep matters. But, why you didn’t get enough sleep matters the most. Don’t be superficial.
Losing weight will cure snoring. Losing weight would be the first step to cure snoring and sleep apnea, if you suffer from it. What about thin people who snore? It’s worth taking a shot though, since obesity is the primary cause of snoring. If there’s more to it, you need to do more than losing weight. So don’t stop at weight loss. Go ask a doctor for other treatment options.
Treatments depend on the cause.
I’m thin. I don’t snore. Wrong! Even thin people snore. One reason is that the anatomy of their mouth consists of narrow jaws, long uvula, thick throat, soft palate.
So I snore. It’s just my problem. So wrong! Snoring does affect the health of the snorer, but the health of the person sleeping beside the snorer is also in big trouble. The sound the snorer makes is just a few decibels shy of an automotive factory. It means they, too, lose a great deal of sleep time. It means they are likely to experience the same things that you do such as irritability and lack of focus. You and your partner will lack harmony in the relationship.
Snoring is just a nasal issue. Nasal congestion is a contributing factor but, based on what you have read so far, it is not just a nasal issue. Keep in mind that snoring can be a symptom of real nasal health issues.
Do you know that snoring alone accounts for 25% of separation in the US? Couples decide to sleep apart to get a good night sleep. Others file for divorce to get it over with. In fact, snoring is the 3rd cause of divorce in this country.
It’s insane! But, listen to the sentiments of women and you would understand why snoring is a deal breaker. Only 19% of women snore so let’s sympathize with them.
People who sleep with their snoring partners report that they are getting only five hours max of sleep per night.
Not sexy.
Snoring also threatens your health. We gave you just some of the possibilities that snoring can bring.
Not healthy.
By not having quality sleep, your career becomes flawed with your inefficiencies. You miss promotions because you snore in your sleep. David did kill Goliath. Small details, big mistakes.
Not cool.
So, take action. Some of the following quick relief and treatment can help you out.
Know your enemy. Start with identifying the root cause of your snoring. It would be easy to get rid of Hitler if he was allergic to peanuts. Get it? Visit a doctor with your partner, and report everything that’s bothering both of you. Do it now before she visits a lawyer.
TRIVIA: Did you know that tongue-based snorers sleep with the mouth closed? And did you know throat-based snorers sleep with the mouth open? These small details can save you tons of cash if you are on the verge of having a surgery, so pay attention. Tongue-based snoring is a type of snoring that is easier and cheaper to fix compared with throat-based type.
Lose weight. If you are overweight, losing is definitely worth the try. Overweight people have big necks, which contribute to snoring. Lose the weight, lose the extra neck circumference, and see what happens.
Don’t drink alcohol. Say no to alcoholic beverages at least three hours before bedtime. If you have to drink before you sleep, you better warn your wife of the impending doom.
Quit smoking. Or at least don’t smoke near bedtime. Cigarette smoke irritates the nasal cavity.
Avoid sedatives and antihistamines before going to sleep. These substances increase resistance while lowering the muscle tone in the upper part of the airways. Then, snoring happens.
Sleep on your side. This is defying gravity. Sleeping on your side will reduce the amount of obstruction in your throat. It will also help if you elevate your head.
Medical Devices and Surgeries
Polysomnography. Doctors recommend sleepmonitoring study or polysomnography to assess your sleeping and breathing patterns. This will help them diagnose any problems that may result from your snoring. No, you’re not signing up to become their guinea pig. You’re paying them, not the other way around. The ‘dream team’ (pun intended) will document everything they see. Then, from their observation, they will be able to identify the cause of your snoring, the risks, etc.
HST (home sleep testing). This is 2016. If you can browse the Internet through an eyeglass, you can bring home the sleep monitoring device. It’s a portable polysomnography that lets you conduct the assessment in the comforts of your own home.
Get MAD. If your narrow jaws are in part causing the snoring, go to a dentist and get MAD. Not ‘mad’ as in lash out, but MAD as in “Mandibular Advancement Device”.
Its function is to lower your jaw and keep your tongue from obstructing your airway.
Get a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure). This is a device used to keep the airway open and prevent breathing cessation Surgeries. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty (TAP), tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and Injection Snoreplasty are some of the surgeries you can undergo to correct any abnormalities in your Nasal strips. A nasal strip can do the trick if you suffer from nasal congestion often.
Yes! Good things follow as soon as you take the first step. These treatments will create for you a better, healthier physique. This is a good thing.
Your health will be up by 1000% because you don’t snore anymore!
My point? Don’t take snoring for granted. We just offered you a variety of information on the dangers of snoring, what it can do to your health, and how you can treat it.
Now, seek advice, get a diagnosis, and have yourself treated.