There are some anti-snoring products and gadgets (my mom’s boyfriend wears a Darth Vader mask), but many people do not know is that some foods that help you sleep have proven to be effective in putting an end to the annoying happy pig grunts. Before your partner sends you to sleep in the living room (because this advice is for both men and women yes, do not do the injury, you also snore) try to try some of these tips:
It is usually used to relax the throat. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it releases the air passages.
Mint tea
A cup of mint tea. This herb naturally decongests and removes phlegm attached to the nostrils, which prevents normal breathing.
According to studies, meats with saturated fats cause mild spasms in the arteries, which could cause inflammation of the nostrils. Trying does not cost anything: replacing red meats with white at dinner will help both keep you quieter and healthy to your heart.
Olive oil
Not the fried ones, yes the olive. Fat stimulates the escape of acids into the esophagus, causing burning, inflammation, and snoring. Better, eat this oil, a natural anti-inflammatory, in light salads, which will relieve and relieve tension, allowing better breathing.
Soy milk
Do you bring a glass of warm milk to bed? Do not do it! Dairy increases the mucosa in the throat, which causes massive snoring. Use better soy milk, which is healthier and does not cause that problem, although if you’re a man I do not recommend it at night since it lowers the level of testosterone, we can talk about that another day.
I hope they can increase the quality of sleep through these data, which in itself do not impose more effort. I personally use a lot of mint tea and it has given me very good results. Honey can use it with tea too, with black or red it complements very well. The fish next to a salad with olive oil is a light dinner, and it puts together both foods. The idea is to use them wit. They are not a 100% solution (that only with surgery), but they reduce the annoying sound and help you sleep better. Eat rich, eat well, eat happily.
You can choose to consume fresh cherries or some cherry juice to encourage rest. This milk is a good substitute for soft drinks and other sweetened beverages.
Cherries are one of the foods that help you sleep better because they increase your levels of melatonin naturally. Start consuming these fruits or their juice and you will not have difficulty sleeping.
Almonds are considered a superfood. One of their benefits is that they help you sleep better. This is because of its high magnesium content that helps your body relax.
Remember that one of the principal requirements of a restful sleep is to sleep several hours in a row. This only achieved when you are relaxed and stress-free.
Dairy products
Calcium in yogurt and other dairy products will help your body eliminate stress. This will allow you to sleep better and more quickly by preventing your mind from wandering.
When you consume yogurt as a dessert during the night, you also introduce good bacteria into your digestive system. These will do a better job while you sleep.
Different types of cheese are ideal for preparing a sandwich when you are hungry at night. In this way, you will prevent hunger from preventing you from sleeping better.
Tea is one of the foods that will help you sleep better more popular. There is a great variety, even some specifically designed to facilitate your dream.
You can try chamomile tea, well known for its ability to relax the body. You can alternate it or combine it with mint or honey. Lemongrass tea can also favor a good break.
The important thing is to avoid any caffeinated tea. From there, you can make the mixtures and combinations that you prefer.
Consume foods that help you sleep better and say goodbye to insomnia
We know how annoying it is to spend all night spinning around. The foods that we just mentioned will allow you to sleep better without medication.
When sleep becomes an obligation
And that the subject of proper rest is something that we must take very seriously since in addition to the usual problems of stress, tiredness, and hypertension, sleep or rest badly causes vision problems as well as gastric. This issue at bedtime also has consequences on our social behavior. And to exemplify this is enough with a unique American study that concluded that people who do not pay attention to their rest, tend to narcissistic and selfish behaviors. All this without mentioning the scabrous issue of premature deaths caused by sleep apnea malaise or traffic accidents resulting from the daytime sleepiness of people who suffer from snoring.
We all know the factors to rest appropriately, such as the famous 8 hours, proper acclimatization of the bedroom, a pleasant temperature, hygiene and especially physical exercise and diet, reducing heavy meals and alcohol or tobacco intake. According to specialists physical training, specifically the aerobic, is considered as the best remedy for insomnia.